2023 - A Year of Dairy Growth

As we enter 2023, eastAUSmilk is entering a new and exciting phase of its growth and development.


While we will face a number of challenges, there will be as just as many opportunities.


The members of the interim Board of eastAUSmilk have now completed their tenure and the newly elected Board members took their positions on and from 1 January, with a focus on the future of the dairy industry.


In that regard, congratulations are extended to the newly elected board members who will be representing their district regions, being Waylon Barron (Darling Downs QLD), Ruth Kydd (Southern NSW), Kay Tommerup (Scenic Rim/Lockyer Valley QLD), Matthew Trace (Gympie/Moreton/Burnett QLD), Glenn Drury (Northern/Central QLD) and Peter Graham (Northern NSW).


In addition, we extend our thanks to former board members James Geraghty and Graham Forbes for their commitment and service to eastAUSmilk, whose tenure concluded at the end of 2022. Their continued involvement in their respective district councils is welcomed and we look forward to their continued input into the growth of the organisation.


With the initial phases of the establishment of eastAUSmilk completed, new opportunities for the dairy industry in NSW and Queensland will occur.


The district councils and board will be reviewing the opportunities afforded by initiatives such as the Northern Dairy Industry Plan through to the development of dairy beef as well as ongoing engagement with state and federal governments.


The Plan will be vital to future growth and the steering committee will oversee the 3 sub-committees who will be looking at a range of options over the coming months.


This will include examining financial sustainability and profitability for dairy farmers and making appropriate recommendations to industry and government, which eastAUSmilk will strongly advocate for over the coming year.


To support this work, we are also focusing on farmer collaboration to improve relationships in the supply chain. We will work constructively but without fear or favour with processors and supermarkets to achieve positive outcomes.


As we face these challenges and opportunities, eastAUSmilk will continue working on your behalf to ensure the best future for our dairy farmer members.


Shaughn Morgan, Co-CEO eastAUSmilk


Big thanks to James Geraghty


2023 - The Future of Dairy