Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has concerns about Coles

Following submissions from eastAUSmilk and other industry participants, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on 20 July published a statement setting out the issues they are concerned about, with Coles’ proposal to buy two milk processing plants from Saputo.


The ACCC noted the proposed acquisition may lead to Saputo exiting markets for the acquisition of raw milk in NSW, thereby substantially lessening competition for the acquisition of raw milk in those markets.


They also noted the proposed acquisition may substantially lessen competition by giving Coles the incentive and ability to harm or frustrate competitor businesses at various points of the dairy supply chain.


The ACCC noted a significant number of industry participants had raised strong concerns about the proposed acquisition, particularly given it will result in a major structural change as the first time a supermarket has its own milk processing facilities.


Their full statement can be downloaded from the ACCC Government website. Issues of concern to the ACCC are discussed in more detail in the ACCC's full statement.


While many NSW members of eastAUSmilk have a good working relationship with Coles, some Queensland dairy farmers are concerned that if Coles owns the NSW facility it could impact where Queensland milk is processed, and hence the viability of some Queensland production.


The ACCC Review is only part of the story, though. Their review is conducted on very narrow grounds – the incremental change to competition in the market, caused by the proposed acquisition. They are not allowed to:


  • consider social aspirations shared by all Australians – ongoing access to locally sourced fresh milk, a vibrant dairy industry, regional community resilience, fairness between big business and small, and more,

  • address the total effect on competition that the acquiring company will have, nor

  • treat this as a precedent for agricultural supply chain vertical integration.


EastAUSmilk is likely to make further submissions to ACCC about the issues they have raised.


Mike Smith, eastAUSmilk Government Relations Manager


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