Australian Dairy Farmers elections

The Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) elections are currently on with the AGM being held on 24 November 2022. At the AGM, an election will be held for one board position currently held by ADF President Rick Gladigau. There are three people standing for the ADF Board, being Rick Gladigau, Glenn Britnell and Ian Morris. Rick is a dairy farmer from South Australia and both Glenn and Ian are dairy farmers from Victoria.


I encourage all dairy farmers who are ADF members to vote in these and all elections. The elections are a democratic process, and it is important for dairy farmers to have their say. Voting closes on Monday 21 November for those not attending the AGM so please vote now.


Until three years ago, the support of 20 or 30 dairy farmers was enough to get onto the ADF board. This was certainly not a rousing endorsement from the over 4000 dairy farmers in Australia. It reflected the apathy that existed from dairy farmers towards ADF and the disinterest that most dairy farmers had. At the last elections held last year, successful candidates received up to around 200 votes which is a substantial improvement. I hope that this level of interest is maintained this year and that in the future at least a thousand dairy farmers vote in elections.


So please all dairy farmers who are members of ADF please exercise your democratic right and vote in this year’s election. If you are an eastAUSmilk member and you are not sure who to vote for, please consider giving your proxy to eastAUSmilk President Matthew Trace.


Matthew is in a position to know all the candidates well and can make an informed decision on who would best look after the interests of all dairy farmers including those in Queensland and NSW.


Dairy farmers don’t let this opportunity to exercise your democratic right slip by and vote now.


Eric Danzi, Co-CEO eastAUSmilk


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