eastAUSmilk board meets to plan future

Last week the eastAUSmilk board met to discuss critical issues facing dairy farmers and plan for the future. This is the second time the new board, which commenced on 1 January 2023, has met. The fresh faces on the board, with only 1 board member being on the board for longer than 18 months, is a real positive for eastAUSmilk. Also, the drive and passion to lead the dairy industry forward is clear within the board.


Some guests attended the board meeting including Terry McCosker from RCS who spoke about the potential for carbon farming in the dairy industry. Unfortunately, carbon farming does not make commercial sense for dairy farmers at this stage due to lack of scale, but this may change in the future. Rob Cooper discussed the NSW Dairy Action Plan, and it is positive to see the NSW government attempting to help the dairy industry move forward with a clear plan.


New eastAUSmilk government relations manager Mike Smith provided training for the board on the basics of lobbying given his many decades working in senior roles in government and lobbying government. Mike also discussed his government relations plan for eastAUSmilk which will set the foundation for the coming year.


The board also continued a strategic planning process where clear priorities were developed for eastAUSmilk for the next 3 years. Some of the highest priorities decided included the need to implement a proactive program around bobby calves. The downturn in the beef market this year has highlighted the importance of this. Another key priority is to assist farmers implement new technology on their farms to drive innovation, profitability, and growth for the industry.


The upcoming yearly contracting period between processors and farmers was front of mind for board members at the meeting also. A very interesting next few months awaits.


Eric Danzi, CEO eastAUSmilk


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