eastAUSmilk - time for member’s involvement

The first anniversary of the amalgamation of Queensland Dairyfarmers Organisation and Dairy Connect in forming 'eastAUSmilk' occurs on 1 December.


It has been an exciting 12 months under the guidance of Matt Trace and the members of the interim board and interim district councils.


The values that underpinns the organisation, as highlighted by the 'AUS' in the name, being 'Advocacy, Unity and Service', have provided a positive and collaborative way in bringing together dairy farmers from two states under one umbrella.


As has been said, unity of numbers and unity of purpose provides the foundations of a strong and united organisation enabling it to effectively advocate before government and other stakeholders within the dairy value chain.


With the terms of the current members of the interim board and district councils coming to an end on 31 December, eligible members of eastAUSmilk are encouraged to consider standing for their district council and/or for the board.


Nominations are now being received until Sunday 13 November and you may obtain a nomination form for your district council and/or for the board from Lynelle Rogers by emailing her on ea@eastausmilk.org.au or by phone (07) 3236 2955. Alternatively, you may download the nomination form(s) from the eastAUSmilk website at https://www.eastausmilk.org.au/board-and-district-councillor-nomination-forms


If more nominations are received than positions available in either the district councils or the board, then elections will be held to determine those who will be elected.


The board of the eastAUSmilk recently amended the boundaries of the 6 District Councils to ensure inclusivity of the members within the two States, which are now:


•              the Northern – Central Qld District;

•              the Burnett - Gympie - Moreton Qld District;

•              the Scenic Rim – Lockyer Valley Qld District;

•              the Darling Downs Qld District;

•              the Northern NSW District (North Coast - Mid North Coast – Lismore - North Inland); and

•              the Southern NSW District (South Coast - Sydney basin - Inland).


Involvement of the members in the democratic process of any industry association is vital for its well-being and corporate governance. I encourage you to consider becoming involved within your organisation.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your representative interim board member whose contact details may be found at the eastAUSmilk website or by contacting the office.


Shaughn Morgan, Co-CEO eastAUSmilk


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