Engagement - a key word

Any industry association is underpinned by its members and that the activities that the organisation undertakes on their behalf.


This can range from providing members services through to actively advocating for issues that impact decisively upon their industry or area of concern.


In the instance of eastAUSmilk, it is the coming together of the members from Queensland Dairyfarmers Organisation and NSW based Dairy Connect.


As eastAUSmilk nears the first anniversary of it becoming a united and dedicated fresh milk dairy farmer organisation, its ideals of Advocacy, Unity and Service are as relevant now as it was when it began its existence in December 2021, if not more so.


Yet, like any industry organisation, eastAUSmilk is only as strong as the members it represents. It must continue to rely upon the active and public involvement of its members in the role that it plays in representing their interests.


Seeking positive change through the development, implementation and advocacy of dairy policy is of paramount importance to ensure a strong, viable and sustainable fresh milk dairy industry into the future.


Ensuring a positive future for the next crop of dairy farmers.


This illustrates the purpose of eastAUSmilk. To provide a positive and seismic change in the way that we address the changes required and to make public the roadmap to reach its goal of a sustainable fresh milk industry in NSW and Queensland.


However, any agricultural industry body requires the support of the farmers that it represents as members provide the voice, direction and way in which dairy policy can be developed and implemented.


You need only look at its achievements in recent years with the demise of $1/L milk, the introduction of the Mandatory Dairy Code and bringing public awareness to 'truth in labelling'.


However, the issues continue.


The need for strong biosecurity protections to prevent the introduction and spread FMD and LSD; to ensure that appropriate safeguards are implemented to lessen the devastating impact of natural disasters such as floods and drought; ensuring the profitability of dairy farms and that a strong farmgate price is attained; developing a northern dairy industry plan with government and stakeholders to a fresh milk dairy future.


In early November, eastAUSmilk members will be receiving their notification for elections to district councils. These councils in turn provide the basis of the eastAUSmilk board.

This involvement by members ensures the strong platform for member interaction in all avenues of policy development and interaction. As I stated above, any industry organisation is only as strong as the members it represents.


I urge you to consider putting your name forward to serve your fellow dairy members and the dairy industry generally by standing for your regional district council.


Shaughn Morgan Co-CEO eastAUSmilk


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