eastAUSmilk presses Federal Minister on Competition

eastAUSmilk has continued to actively pursue priority issues, and this week met with senior advisors to the Commonwealth Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Murray Watt.

Chief Executive Officer of eastAUSmilk Eric Danzi and Government Relations Manager Mike Smith discussed at length with the Minister’s advisors the proposed purchase by Coles of Saputo milk processing plants in New South Wales and Victoria, with a focus on the issues of concern already identified by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

The ACCC has expressed concern about the impact of this proposed acquisition, and noted it could see fewer processors competing to purchase and process milk in the New South Wales central coast region, and potential impacts on other processors and dairy farmers further away.

Their preliminary report can be downloaded from the ACCC website, and they propose to release their final findings about this proposed acquisition on September 14.

eastAUSmilk stressed to the Minister’s advisors that the outcome, if this sale goes ahead, must see the market for milk throughout New South Wales and Queensland deliver fair and effective competition, and no reduction in the milk sale options open to farmers.

The meeting also discussed in detail the need for an urgent review and updating of the Dairy Industry Code, and the kind of changes eastAUSmilk wants to see. A review of the Code is due this year, and eastAUSmilk has requested that it proceed without delay.

eastAUSmilk has sought a commitment from the Minister’s office, and his department, that they will continue to discuss a wide range of industry issues, including technology uptake by dairy farmers, sustainability and efficiency, and animal welfare.

A follow-up and more detailed discussion is planned, in relation to all of the issues raised, with the Minister’s office.


Mike Smith, eastAUSmilk Government Relations Manager


eastAUSmilk AGM


eastAUSmilk AGM