Let’s set our own future

On December 1, 2021, eastAUSmilk began with the merging of QDO and Dairy Connect Farmers group. It is a new concept that allows a fresh start and a chance to do things a little differently.  While we have a strong presence and long history in both QLD and NSW it's time to have a good look at what we do well, and what we can do better.


One of the important tasks that eastAUSmilk will need to complete over the coming months is to develop a strategic plan.  This may sound a bit boring, but it is actually important for our company and our members. A strategic plan will identify why we exist and what we want to achieve for our members. It's a chance for the board, the company and members to identify issues we need to address and then prioritise.


This is not something that the board and staff of eastAUSmilk can do alone. We need the assistance and insight from our members, and our potential members, on what direction we should take.


Over the past 5 years there has been a strong focus on retail pricing given $1/L milk. Both QDO and Dairy Connect that make up eastAUSmilk played a central role in removing $1/L milk and now all milk is at least $1.30/L. The price is now moving up, which is sensible given increases in costs of production, without the anchor of a fixed retail price. Moving forward, we need to decide what else to focus our attention on in the next few years.


We will undertake an extensive consultation process with our members and potential members. We will listen to what our farmers think we should do and we will ensure that these views are properly taken into account. We will not ignore what farmers tell us but embrace your feedback.


Member meetings will occur across QLD and NSW during March and April. I strongly encourage all interested dairy farmers to attend and have their say. Dairy farmers will be notified about the details of proposed meetings in March.


Yes you have been asked for feedback many times by many in the dairy industry and I too feel that we have not always been listened to.  This is a chance to be heard by a growing organisation that values your opinions.


Please contact your eastAUSmilk directors or staff if you would like to know more.


Matthew Trace– President eastAUSmilk


Mandatory Dairy Code needs further changes over coming 12 months


Media Release - Mandatory Dairy Code Review First Report