Joe Bradley the new eastAUSmilk President, Tim Bale and Waylon Barron Vice Presidents

Joe Bradley was recently appointed to replace Matt Trace on the eastAUSmilk board. He also took over Matts position as president of eastUSmilk. Tim Bale and Waylon Barron were both elected vice presidents.

Matt has left the eastAUSmilk board due to potential conflicts it would create in his new role on the Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) board. This is unfortunate but understandable. Matt has done an outstanding job as president of eastAUSmilk, and it has been impressive to watch Matt grow and develop his statesmanlike approach in the role of president and chair.

Matt will be lost to the board of eastAUSmilk but will be very useful to eastAUSmilk and our dairy farmer members in his new role at ADF. Anyone who knows Matt is well aware that he is a determined person who loves a fight and will be forthright and strategic in achieving outcomes for dairy farmers.

EastAUSmilk is very lucky to be able to replace Matt with Joe as president. Both are extremely capable and determined leaders who are passionate about dairy farming. I’m sure that Joe will do a fine job as president of eastAUSmilk. Joe is from Dayboro just north of Brisbane and is a person I have looked up to since joining the dairy industry and have regularly sought his advice and assistance. This is another occasion where Joe’s leadership was needed, and he is willing and able to step up.

Tim Bale is from Stewarts River near Port Macquarie in NSW. Tim has recently joined the eastAUSmilk board but has immense experience in many roles both within and outside the dairy industry. He is well known for central to the establishment of the farmers owned brand with Woolworths. Tim’s experience and knowledge will be invaluable to eastAUSmilk as vice president.

It’s also great to see Waylon Barron step up as vice president. Waylon is from the darling downs region in Queensland and is one of many dairy farmers who have become involved in eastAUSmilk over the past 6 years. He started on the darling downs district council, came onto the board just over 2 years ago and now has stepped up as vice president. Waylon is a very switched on and respected dairy farmer who I’m sure will adapt quickly to the role of vice president.

Congratulations to Joe, Tim and Waylon.


Eric Danzi, CEO eastAUSmilk.


EastAUSmilk and Government: 2023


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