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ADF approves eastAUSmilk members in NSW

It was very positive to see the ADF board approve eastAUSmilk members in NSW as members of ADF. This is an issue that has been ongoing for almost 3 years, and it is great to see that it has now been resolved.

As eastAUSmilk has significantly increased our membership in NSW in the past few years, more and more farmers in NSW have wanted to be involved in ADF and applied for membership. This is positive since it is important for a significant number of farmers to have a say in in ADF which is the national voice for dairy farmers in Australia.


I would like to thank the directors of ADF for their resolution of this issue. Particularly NSW dairy farmer Heath Cook who has championed this issue for many years and ADF president Ben Bennett.


I know that many NSW dairy farmers who have been approved as ADF members are very happy and grateful that this has occurred. I expect that this will create further interest from dairy farmers in NSW to become members of eastAUSmilk and ADF.


eastAUSmilk looks forward to ADF moving with the times and showing leadership on some critical issues of importance to dairy farmers across Australia. The industry is currently in a very difficult position and the reduction in milk prices in many states this year has made things even more difficult.


In this state of flux, strong leadership from ADF is a must to force change. There is no value in working to maintain the status quo when the current situation is so difficult for so many farmers. I’m sure this is the expectation from the new ADF members from NSW that ADF has just approved as well as most other dairy farmers in Australia.


Eric Danzi, CEO eastAUSmilk

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eastAUSmilk FNQ Trip

Last week the spotlight shone on the FNQ dairy industry, showcasing its strengths and drawing attention to aspects which do not allow it to expand and flourish. The whole board of eastAUSmilk, their CEO, Eric Danzi and Government Relations Manager, Mike Smith, their staff and the President and CEO  of Australian Dairy Farmers, Ben Bennett and  Stephen Sheridan had the privilege to meet, visit and discuss the future direction of industry with the local dairy farmers. The team visited 10 local dairy farms to gain an insight into dairying in the tropics and the challenges it brings. Dinners were held giving the farmers a chance to meet and chat  with the board, staff and ADF delegates. EastAUSmilk staff were able to assist with applications for the disaster recovery grant from the effects of Cyclone Jasper,  resilience plans for the Drought Preparedness Grant and the opportunity of the On Farm Connectivity Grant. FNQ local dairy farmers support and enthusiasm was outstanding. Our visitors were also able to visit some of our renowned tourist spots and marveled at the picturesque Atherton Tablelands countryside and hospitality.

Geographically, Far North Queensland dairy farmers are isolated. With a yearly average above 1.2 metres rainfall with high humidity and one major processor, our isolation means that on all our inputs there is a freight component (about 25% above SEQ prices). This automatically has an impact on the cost of production/ profitability, herd fertility, lameness, incidence  of clinical mastitis, increased SCC which all put increased pressure on production, herd management and milk pay bonuses. It cannot be emphasized enough that dairying in the tropics is like dairying in no other area.

Milk production and farm numbers have continued to decrease over the last 3 -5 years. Factory intake has decreased year on year of around 4 million litres annually and our farm numbers are down to 35. Supply to our local markets is short for significant periods of time throughout the year. This shortfall has been made up by shipping milk from Victoria and when it allows South East Qld. Putting in place a new milk system to allow FNQ farmers to produce this shortfall profitably has fallen on deaf ears. Remembering our area once produced 135 million litres annually with the longest milk run in the world, we have the capacity and knowledge to make up the difference if it were profitable.

Like everywhere else in Australia, competition for land use is high. This translates to large increases in land values. Competition in FNQ has come from beef production, other horticulture/tree crops, FIFO mine workers investing and retirees looking for lifestyle. When dairy farms leave the industry rarely do they come back as dairy farms and the opportunity for young farmers to purchase or lease farms is very limited.

Whatever the solution is to FNQ’s decreases in production and farm numbers it has to be recognized that dairying in the tropics has challenges, freight has a huge impact on profitability and if farms are profitable, farmer perceptions of our industry will have a significant impact.


Paul Newland, eastAUSmilk Board Member

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eastAUSmilk and Australian Dairy Farmers

 eastAUSmilk President and Queensland dairy farmer Matt Trace was appointed to the board of Australian Dairy Farmers at the Annual General Meeting held on 23 November. ADF is the national peak body of state-based dairy farmer organisations.

Matt is very grateful for the solid support he received from industry across the country to take up this role, and particularly for the support from the northern industry. Former QDO Board member Joe Bradley attended the meeting and exercised a large number of proxy votes in accordance with the wishes of Queensland members of ADF.

Previously, Queensland dairy farmer views had been represented on the ADF Board by Brian Tessman, who did not nominate for re-election. We should all be very grateful to Brian for his good work on the Board, on behalf of dairy farmers everywhere.

The resolution at the AGM proposing appointment of an independent director was defeated, therefore there is currently a vacancy in that role, and a new independent director will be appointed by ADF shortly.

Because of the potential conflict of interests, Matt will stand down from his position as chair of eastAUSmilk, and from the eastAUSmilk board, in the near future. eastAUSmilk’s Gympie/ Moreton/ Burnett District Council will be asked to appoint a new member to the eastAUSmilk board, to replace Matt.

The eastAUSmilk Board will then also need to meet to appoint a new chair.

At the Annual General Meeting, ADF deferred election of their new President, to allow the Victorian Farmers Federation to fill the vacant Australian Dairy Farmers National Council positions from Victoria.  Because the chair is elected by the ADF board and the ADF National Council jointly, the absence of eight National Council members from Victoria would be significant in that election, and those at the ADF AGM thought they should give the biggest milk-producing state the chance to have their full say in the ballot.

Matt Trace, eastAUSmilk President

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Australian Dairy Farmers AGM and board elections

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) is being held on 23 November 2023. This is a very important meeting where the future of the Australian dairy industry will be shaped.

Amongst the important issues in front of the meeting is appointment of a further dairy farmer to the ADF board. Currently Brian Tessmann from Queensland is a board member, but has not renominated. Matt Trace, a Queensland dairy farmer and president of eastAUSmilk, is the sole nominee, and if elected will be the sole voice for Queensland on the Board.

I encourage all dairy farmers to have their say at the meeting, if possible by joining the meeting – you will receive information from Australian Dairy Farmers about how to join. Those unable to join the meeting can vote online up to 2 days before the meeting – the deadline is 9.30 AM Queensland time on 21 November. Not only can you vote on a further farmer Board member, but also another five resolutions – including electing an independent director, alignment of ADF regions with RDP regions, and examining the organisation’s financial performance.

If you can’t make it, and can’t vote online before the meeting, please make sure you give your AGM proxy vote to a dairy farmer who will attend the meeting.

In the past, if Queensland farmers were giving someone a proxy we have encouraged them to give these to the eastAUSmilk president. However, Matt did not feel this was appropriate given he is seeking appointment to the ADF Board. The eastAUSmilk board has asked former Board member Joe Bradley to make himself available to collect proxies on behalf of eastAUSmilk members who want their vote to count but can’t participate. I encourage you to contact Joe about your proxy if you might not be able to vote. Joe is contactable on 0400 642 063.

Please do not let this important opportunity to have your say slip by – these decisions are very important. If you have any questions, please call any eastAUSmilk director, Joe Bradley or myself.

Eric Danzi, CEO eastAUSmilk.

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