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ADF approves eastAUSmilk members in NSW

It was very positive to see the ADF board approve eastAUSmilk members in NSW as members of ADF. This is an issue that has been ongoing for almost 3 years, and it is great to see that it has now been resolved.

As eastAUSmilk has significantly increased our membership in NSW in the past few years, more and more farmers in NSW have wanted to be involved in ADF and applied for membership. This is positive since it is important for a significant number of farmers to have a say in in ADF which is the national voice for dairy farmers in Australia.


I would like to thank the directors of ADF for their resolution of this issue. Particularly NSW dairy farmer Heath Cook who has championed this issue for many years and ADF president Ben Bennett.


I know that many NSW dairy farmers who have been approved as ADF members are very happy and grateful that this has occurred. I expect that this will create further interest from dairy farmers in NSW to become members of eastAUSmilk and ADF.


eastAUSmilk looks forward to ADF moving with the times and showing leadership on some critical issues of importance to dairy farmers across Australia. The industry is currently in a very difficult position and the reduction in milk prices in many states this year has made things even more difficult.


In this state of flux, strong leadership from ADF is a must to force change. There is no value in working to maintain the status quo when the current situation is so difficult for so many farmers. I’m sure this is the expectation from the new ADF members from NSW that ADF has just approved as well as most other dairy farmers in Australia.


Eric Danzi, CEO eastAUSmilk

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