eastAUSmilk eastAUSmilk

The Ekka is where the Farmers’ meet to catch up in the city!

For many city folk, the Ekka is the only chance they get to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of country life. Seeing a dairy cow up close or watching them being milked is even less likely to be something they are exposed to outside of Ekka.


The dairy industry has been an important contributor to the rich history of the Ekka dating back to the very first exhibition in 1876, making it one of the RNA’s oldest supporting agricultural industries.


Each year, proud dairy farming families pack up and leave the farm behind to bring their best milking cows to Ekka for judging. Regarded as the most prestigious dairy show in Queensland, a win is seen as the ultimate recognition of the hard work, passion, and many years of selective breeding that goes into producing the best of the best milking cows.


Leaving the farm behind for 8 days is no small undertaking for these farmers. For many, the trip to Ekka is a family affair, and the result of close to 12 months planning and a cost of many thousands of dollars.

Showing dairy cattle runs in their blood - most are 3rd or 4th generation exhibitors.


EastAUSmilk shares our farmers’ pride in their craft, and this year we’re working with the RNA to better connect Ekka visitors with the dairy industry. Our Queensland Dairy stand in the Agricultural Hall showcases and celebrates the many faces of the dairy industry. Farmers, producers and processors have been invited to come together on the stand to share their passion for the industry.


We’re encouraging Ekka visitors to head on over to the Dairy pavilion to meet our farmers and their exceptional dairy cows to recognise our farmers’ efforts to have fresh milk available for families all over Queensland.


Kay Tommerup, EastAUSmilk Director

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eastAUSmilk eastAUSmilk

EastAUSmilk Strengthening Representation in NSW

A Longtime Dairy identity, Tim Bale, from Stewarts River NSW has joined the board of EastAUSmilk.

Tim brings to the board over 40 years of experience in the industry and 30 years on his own dairy farm near Taree NSW.

After graduating from Hawkesbury Agricultural College his first job was on a large dairy followed by 15 years as a Dairy Livestock Officer with NSW Dept of Agriculture.

The main goal was always to be a farmer and with wife Julie bought their current farm at Stewarts River in 1993. Tim also worked as a private consultant for some time.

When deregulation hit there was a mass exodus of dairy farmers especially on the coast of NSW and Tim felt the need to do something. The Taree Collective Bargaining Group was formed, and years of negotiation followed, sometimes positive and sometimes negative but never wavering.

When asked why, Tim said he always thought farmers needed a voice, but most were reluctant to speak so he had the ability and felt responsible to make a difference.

These years of negotiating led to direct supply to Woolworths of the Farmers Own brand now rolled out around Australia. Tim and Julie now milk around 300 cows, predominantly Holsteins, and continue to stay on a pasture-based system.

When asked what he can bring to the board Tim says, I still have a keen passion for the industry and enjoy helping people especially farmers, our industry has been in decline, and we have to reverse the trend.

We need to bring back the younger people and instil confidence in the future.

We also need to support the older farmers with options and generally improve their lifestyles.

Tims early main focus will be on membership particularly in NSW, it is critical that EastAUSmilk is seen as the voice for Dairy farmers in NSW and Queensland and a large membership will ensure just that.

By Tim Bale, eastAUSmilk board member

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