eastAUSmilk eastAUSmilk

New Dairy Industry Leadership

EastAUSmilk’s constitution requires that Directors (Board members) are nominated by the District Committees across New South Wales and Queensland, from amongst dairy farmers who are themselves District Committee members, which is a good way to ensure the organisation keeps close to grassroots members.


When long-standing northern New South Wales dairy farmer Peter Graham move north into Queensland, his director position became vacant – Peter’s contributions to the organisation have been invaluable, and much appreciated, and eastAUSmilk is sorry to see him go.

However, in his place, the Northern New South Wales District Committee has nominated a most able replacement, Tim Bale from Stewarts River near Taree in New South Wales, and he’s now been appointed a Director by the eastAUSmilk Board.

Congratulations, Tim!


EastAUSmilk has a total of six Directors – one from each of the district committees in New South Wales and Queensland.


Peter has also been Vice-President of eastAUSmilk, and this appointment also lapsed when he ceased to be a Director. A new Vice-President will be appointed at the next Board meeting.

Further congratulations go to dairy farmer and entrepreneur Kay Tommerup, who has just been elected Vice-President of Queensland Farmers Federation, the peak body representing most of Queensland’s agricultural industries.  Kay has been on the Queensland Farmers Federation board for two years, representing eastAUSmilk interests. She’s from Kerry, in the Scenic Rim, and is a Director of eastAUSmilk.


National Ag Day


Dairy farmers around Australia celebrated National Ag Day each in their own way. Kay Tommerup, with daughter Georgia and son Harry, joined Queensland Farmers Federation at Reddacliff Place in the Brisbane CBD, encouraging passers by to sample dairy products, and chat about the industry. Taste-testers wanted to know where the products are made, where the farms are located, and where they can purchase products for themselves.


Mike Smith, eastAUSmilk Government Relations Manager

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