eastAUSmilk eastAUSmilk

Dairy farmer grants available to improve technology uptake on farm

EastAUSmilk has been successful in securing funding through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to improve technology uptake on the dairy farm. The first round of grants for the Dairy Farmers Technology Uptake Program (DFTUP) has closed, offering 25% of total tech cost up to a maximum of $15,000 ex GST, per dairy business.


There are two parts to the program, multiple information and training workshops in each dairying region, and provision of financial assistance for technology uptake. The program aims to increase knowledge and adoption of technology to improve labour efficiencies as well as cow health, welfare and fertility. The dates for workshops and training sessions will be announced soon. However, if there is a particular technology you are interested in and want to learn more about, please get in touch.


Grants available to eligible dairy farmers in Queensland which includes eligible items such as:


  • Autodrafting gates

  • Automated feeding systems

  • Cup removers

  • Auto calf feeders

  • Drones (spray or fertiliser)

  • Heat detection collars or ear tags

  • Precision technology

  • Mobile app upgrades and towers

  • Somatic cell count sensors/ in-line SSC detectors


Businesses in general are struggling with labour shortages with businesses located in rural or regional areas, facing bigger challenges due to lack of population density and accessibility. Mechanisation or technology investments on farm looks to not only improve labour efficiencies resulting in less time demanded per job but also improve decision making and enhance business planning.


The addition of technology on farm can provide additional benefits which includes improved herd health management and monitoring. Automated calf feeders, for example, reduce labour and improves overall welfare for the calf, with the option to tailor feeding rates per calf but also maintaining optimal hygiene of the equipment.

Jade Chan, eastAUSmilk Project Officer

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