eastAUSmilk eastAUSmilk

Codes and Competition on Agenda

EastAUSmilk has in the last week held multiple meetings with Commonwealth public servants and politicians to discuss the Dairy Industry Code, Fruit and Vegetable Code, competition policy, and the needs of the dairy industry.


In Canberra and in Brisbane, Chief Executive Officer Eric Danzi and Government Relations Manager Mike Smith met with senior officials from Treasury and from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, as well as the Assistant Minister for Competition Charities and Treasury, Dr Andrew Leigh.


While eastAUSmilk has made substantial submissions to several of the inquiries currently underway into the behaviour of major supermarkets, we needed to understand where the multiple reviews of supermarkets are going, and what the next steps are likely to be. Also discussed were both the recent eastAUSmilk submission on the review of the Dairy Industry Code, and what comes next for that review.


Everyone we spoke with was very keen for information about how the market really operates, rather than dry economic theory, and we were able to provide many examples of anti-competitive behaviour and bullying, along the supply chain.


We also invested time, in some of our meetings, in explaining why farmers are demanding change in the priorities of Dairy Australia, and discussing some pressing research and extension needs which are not being addressed.


In light of these discussions, eastAUSmilk has responded to the recent Interim Report of the Review of the Food and Grocery Code, by calling for more detail on how big supermarkets must change to eliminate bullying and retaliatory behaviour towards suppliers, reshaped our call for supply chain margins to be monitored, and tackled the need for the uncompetitive outcomes of national pricing and preferential pricing for private label products to be addressed.


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry told us that once they have fully digested the submissions made in response to their recent Dairy Industry Code discussion paper, they will be making recommendations to Government about the scope of the full second review of the Code, and how it will be conducted. They have not yet fully examined and evaluated those submissions, but Minister Murray Watt recently committed that the second review will fully commence in September this year.


By Mike Smith, eastAUSmilk Government Relations Manager

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eastAUSmilk eastAUSmilk

Everyone’s Talking about the Big Supermarkets

Last week, the Queensland government announced a Parliamentary Supermarket Pricing Select Committee, chaired by Member of Parliament Tom Smith, whose Bundaberg electorate is one of Queensland’s biggest food bowls. The Committee is to look at impediments to fair pricing, including impediments to the profitability of primary producers, and report by 21 May 2024.

As well as the current consultation about the Dairy Industry Code there are now seven inquiries under way, all looking at the bad behaviour of big supermarkets.


eastAUSmilk members know supermarkets have enormous influence on farmgate prices, which is why we have made submissions to several of the these inquiries. It is clearly in the interests of eastAUSmilk members, and the dairy industry a whole, for the relationship between supermarkets, all of their suppliers, and the whole supply chain, to be cleaned up.


We’ve made submissions to the Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices and to the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct Review, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has also commenced an examination of the pricing practices of the supermarkets and the relationship between wholesale, including farmgate, and retail prices – our submission to them is due in early April.


The Food and Grocery Code of Conduct is voluntary, which means it isn’t applied properly nor enforced, so in our submissions we’ve been saying it should be mandatory, like the dairy code. We’re also urging that margins up and down the supermarket supply chain need to be monitored.


We discovered during our submission research that processors are terrified to raise complaints or problems with supermarkets, because they fear retaliation, so we’ve also urged that retaliation needs to be directly addressed in these reviews. Because we know the processors, and many other supermarket suppliers, won’t raise bad behaviour in their submissions to these inquiries for fear of retaliation, we have made a point of doing that work for them. If the retaliation issue is addressed, arising from any of these supermarket reviews, we would expect that the dairy code and industry will see the issue similarly addressed for dairy farmers.


By Mike Smith, eastAUSmilk Government Relations Manager

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