Thanks Gary and Torie

In the past two weeks eastAUSmilk has farewelled board member Gary Wenzel and staff member Torie Harrison. Gary was on the board for 2 ½ years and Torie left last week after more than 4 years with eastAUSmilk and QDO.


Gary has been a very considered and knowledgeable board member and relied on this when making decisions rather than be swayed by politics. Gary has a depth of experience in dairy farming, RDE, transport and water, given his various roles in the industry historically. Gary has always been focused on grass roots dairy farmers given his extensive networks in the industry.


Quite an unassuming dairy farmer Gary is, but he and his wife Karen run an impressive operation. Without any fanfare, they achieve very good milk production per cow in a low-cost way for their TMR system in often very trying conditions. I hope the conditions aren’t so wet in the coming months and the price increases to a sustainable level.


Torie is returning to work on her family’s dairy farm in Kilcoy. It has been a pleasure to work with Torie over the past 4 years. Torie has always had a strong knowledge of dairy farming and a real passion for the dairy industry. She has been very focussed on engaging with dairy farmers and helping them as much as she can.

Over the past 4 years Torie would have learnt a lot and built very strong networks within the dairy industry. This will help her immensely on the dairy farm and I am sure she will use this knowledge and networks to move the dairy farm forward over the coming years.


Best of luck to both Gary and Torie in the future. I’m sure you won’t lose contact with eastAUSmilk.


We will always be grateful for all you have done for dairy farmers and eastAUSmilk. Thankyou both.


Eric Danzi – eastAUSmilk Co-CEO


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