A change of the guard at eastAUSmilk

It’s a sign of a healthy organisation when a quality member of the team can stand down and is readily replaced by an equally capable person.  That’s exactly what has just occurred at eastAUSmilk.  Gary Wenzell stood aside in June to concentrate on his farm and family commitments.  I know Gary was disappointed he could not see out his full term, but these things happen in life, and he has made the right decision for his family.  From the entire team at eastAUSmilk we wish him all the best and thank him for his dedicated service through the difficult times of the last couple of years.

As per the constitution the district council of Scenic Rim/Lismore was to appoint a replacement and after much interest Kay Tommerup has been appointed.  I have known Kay for many years, and she will be a great addition to our team.  Kay and Dave have a long history in the dairy industry as is evident by the near vintage NORCO supplier sign on their front gate.  However, what has impressed me is the unique perspective Kay will bring to the board around what makes a profitable dairy farming business.


After many years of dairying in the traditional model of “it’s all about milk” Kay and Dave decided to move into Agri-tourism with open days and farm stays, and direct to customer sales.  They have been immensely successful. I’m sure with many difficulties along the way but they have in the end found a pathway to profitable farming that is resistant to the variance in weather.  In more recent times they have also moved into on-farm processing with the development of their own creamery and the subsequent sale of products such as cream, butter, and ice cream.


While this path is not for everyone it’s the different way of thinking backed with a successful track record that will make Kay a valuable addition to our team.  I welcome you Kay and am looking forward to working with you in the interests of our dairy industry.


Matt Trace, President eastAUSmilk


eastAUSmilk – accountability and growth


Fairgo Dairy a raging success