eastAUSmilk – accountability and growth

At the heart of every industry body is its members.


Members provide the guidance to the elected officials in undertaking their duties and policy direction for staff to advocate on the many issues that the members confront on a daily basis.


In that regard, eastAUSmilk is no different to any other organisation whose task is to safeguard the interests of their members.


Part of that democratic process is the holding each year of the Annual General Meeting where the members are provided with a 'health' check on their organisation.


They are able to ask questions of their Chairperson and seek confirmation from members of the Board. It is not just an expectation but a statutory requirement for such meetings to occur.


It is in essence the accountability that members not only want but need.


On 30 August, eastAUSmilk will be holding its AGM at the Lismore Turf Club, starting at 1pm. It will be preceded by the Annual Forum where member updates will be provided, and topical policy issues will be presented and discussed.


One of the major issues that dairy farmer members have raised with their Board members in recent times is that of biosecurity and in particular the safeguards that are in place to prevent 'foot and mouth disease' and 'lumpy skin disease' from taking hold in Australia.


We are pleased that at the Forum, representatives of QLD DAF and NSW DPI will address matters relating to biosecurity and where members can raise questions that they may have.


As well, Melissa Cameron from Dairy Australia will provide information regarding the nutritional benefits of dairy milk as against plant-based alternatives. This is topical given the continuing public discussion regarding 'truth in labelling' and its importance to dairy farmers and consumers generally.


Updates will also be provided by the CEO of dairy cooperative Norco, Michael Hampson, and the CEO of Australian Dairy Farmers, David Inall.


The Annual Forum will be from 9.30am for a 10am start and is open to members and dairy farmers generally.


Additionally, the day will also be an opportunity to mix informally with other members, dairy farmers, directors, and staff.


Through such interaction, the vitality of eastAUSmilk can be maintained and allowed to grow organically.

The Board of eastAUSmilk looks forward to welcoming you to the Annual Forum and AGM on 30 August at the Lismore Turf Club.


Shaughn Morgan, Co-CEO eastAUSmilk


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