Keeping eastAUSmilk Board Members Busy… and Well Informed

August 30th marks the day for the eastAUSmilk AGM. This year it is being held in Wingham, NSW. Wingham lies in the Manning Valley on the Mid North Coast of NSW.


With over 100 dairy families on the Mid North Coast, the industry is ripe in the area, with many young families making their mark in the industry and ‘having a go’.


Board Members will be treated to a very busy and educational three-day tour of the area, beginning with their arrival in Gloucester, a picturesque town inland of Wingham, for two farm tours. The evening will see Board members meeting with local producers and their families over a meal, whilst patronising a local establishment, and appreciating what local farmers are able to provide.


Day Two is jam packed with four producer meetings on farm, leaving Gloucester early and heading to Wingham for the first farm tour, ensuring that board members are seeing the best of the coast. Continuing the focus on local producers and local produce, lunch will be a local fish co-op, situated just down the road from dairy farm tour number three, treating those who are joining eastAUSmilk to the best local fishery and agricultural produce that the area has to offer.


Day Three the final day on the Mid North Coast with breakfast in gorgeous Wingham, followed by guest speakers before morning tea and the AGM, which is to be held at Wingham Golf Club. The AGM will be followed by networking and discussion over lunch before all start making their way to their respective homes.


All members are warmly invited to attend the Annual General Meeting at Wingham Golf Club at 10:15am on 30 August 2024: a more formal meeting notice will be provided shortly.


Abby McMillan, NSW Member Services Officer


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