eastAUSmilk eastAUSmilk

Keeping eastAUSmilk Board Members Busy… and Well Informed

August 30th marks the day for the eastAUSmilk AGM. This year it is being held in Wingham, NSW. Wingham lies in the Manning Valley on the Mid North Coast of NSW.


With over 100 dairy families on the Mid North Coast, the industry is ripe in the area, with many young families making their mark in the industry and ‘having a go’.


Board Members will be treated to a very busy and educational three-day tour of the area, beginning with their arrival in Gloucester, a picturesque town inland of Wingham, for two farm tours. The evening will see Board members meeting with local producers and their families over a meal, whilst patronising a local establishment, and appreciating what local farmers are able to provide.


Day Two is jam packed with four producer meetings on farm, leaving Gloucester early and heading to Wingham for the first farm tour, ensuring that board members are seeing the best of the coast. Continuing the focus on local producers and local produce, lunch will be a local fish co-op, situated just down the road from dairy farm tour number three, treating those who are joining eastAUSmilk to the best local fishery and agricultural produce that the area has to offer.


Day Three the final day on the Mid North Coast with breakfast in gorgeous Wingham, followed by guest speakers before morning tea and the AGM, which is to be held at Wingham Golf Club. The AGM will be followed by networking and discussion over lunch before all start making their way to their respective homes.


All members are warmly invited to attend the Annual General Meeting at Wingham Golf Club at 10:15am on 30 August 2024: a more formal meeting notice will be provided shortly.


Abby McMillan, NSW Member Services Officer

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eastAUSmilk and Australian Dairy Farmers

 eastAUSmilk President and Queensland dairy farmer Matt Trace was appointed to the board of Australian Dairy Farmers at the Annual General Meeting held on 23 November. ADF is the national peak body of state-based dairy farmer organisations.

Matt is very grateful for the solid support he received from industry across the country to take up this role, and particularly for the support from the northern industry. Former QDO Board member Joe Bradley attended the meeting and exercised a large number of proxy votes in accordance with the wishes of Queensland members of ADF.

Previously, Queensland dairy farmer views had been represented on the ADF Board by Brian Tessman, who did not nominate for re-election. We should all be very grateful to Brian for his good work on the Board, on behalf of dairy farmers everywhere.

The resolution at the AGM proposing appointment of an independent director was defeated, therefore there is currently a vacancy in that role, and a new independent director will be appointed by ADF shortly.

Because of the potential conflict of interests, Matt will stand down from his position as chair of eastAUSmilk, and from the eastAUSmilk board, in the near future. eastAUSmilk’s Gympie/ Moreton/ Burnett District Council will be asked to appoint a new member to the eastAUSmilk board, to replace Matt.

The eastAUSmilk Board will then also need to meet to appoint a new chair.

At the Annual General Meeting, ADF deferred election of their new President, to allow the Victorian Farmers Federation to fill the vacant Australian Dairy Farmers National Council positions from Victoria.  Because the chair is elected by the ADF board and the ADF National Council jointly, the absence of eight National Council members from Victoria would be significant in that election, and those at the ADF AGM thought they should give the biggest milk-producing state the chance to have their full say in the ballot.

Matt Trace, eastAUSmilk President

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eastAUSmilk AGM

EastAUSmilk’s Annual General Meeting was held in Pittsworth, Queensland on Wednesday 30 August, following last year’s in Lismore, New South Wales. Members from both New South Wales and Queensland attended, as well as staff.

 In his report, President Matt Trace highlighted the impact of floods on members, as well as milk pricing issues, and the need to build eastAUSmilk’s profile amongst non-members. Chief Executive Officer Eric Danzi attended via Zoom because he was at an important Dairy NSW Member Event in Merimbula New South Wales. His report stressed the strategic plan developed by the Board, and member services. Auditor Alan Teese, from Gillow and Teese, discussed the financial report with members, and all reports were subsequently accepted.

 An ”other business” agenda item allowed members to raise further issues from the floor of the meeting.

 Members at the AGM were then welcomed to Peter Garratt’s nearby Southbrook dairy farm, where Peter spoke in detail about his feed and nutrition practices, which enable significantly higher carrying capacity, and hence profitability, than pasture feeding alone.

 In conjunction with the Annual General Meeting, eastAUSmilk’s Board also met in person, and considered issues as wide-ranging as the Northern Dairy Plan, artificial insemination, dairy beef exports, and Bermuda grass. They also received an update on government relations matters, particularly including Government funding of dairy programs, and the proposed purchase of two Saputo milk processing facilities by Coles. The Board also considered briefly greater use of technology, to allow on-line attendance at future Annual General Meetings by members who couldn’t be there in person.

 Both the Board and the Annual General Meeting spent time discussing the very positive membership growth in New South Wales following the amalgamation of Dairy Connect and QDO, and regional visits by the CEO.

Mike Smith, eastAUSmilk Government Relations Manager

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